Channel: StackExchange Replication Questions
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SSMS 2016 Replication Monitor Throws error connecting to SS 2008 R2

Launch Replication Monitor from SSMS 2016 - Connect to distributor throws: TITLE: Replication Monitor Replication Monitor could not connect to Distributor '<server name>'. For help, click:...

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Msrel_commands table has 20M rows

I am desperately looking for some logic or script to check commands in msrepl_commands where number of commands which have already been moved to subscriber but not deleted yet. I am running the...

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SQL Server 2008 R2 Transactional Replication "Cannot insert explicit...

Right now I'm having an "identity crisis" with transactional replication in SQL Server 2008 R2. The database is running in compatibility 90. There's a table that has an identity column and won't...

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How can I replicate some tables without transferring the entire log?

I have a mysql database that contains some tables with private information, and some tables with public information. I would like to replicate only the tables containing public information from one...

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SQL Server 2008R2 - how to install replication components

I am trying to install the Replication components for SQL Server 2008R2, on technet website it says: On the computer that is running IIS, insert the SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008, or SQL Server...

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PostgreSQL streaming replication lag for synchronous standbys

We use PostgreSQL 9.5 in a master + synchronous hot-standby setup, i.e., using synchronous_commit = on and using synchronous_standby_names='*'. Consequently, the standby has sync_state = sync in the...

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How to manage primary key value while multiple secondary server sync with...

we have three secondary database server in different cities and one primary server. my question is i want asynchronous transaction commit to all three database but primary key data conflict occur when...

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MariaDB Galera Cluster Or standard replication

My question is simple : I have 2 servers, both are identical with proxy, apache, MariaDB,...etc. I have one IP Failover : the IP is routing to my first server but if this server falls down I will...

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Why does Master think it's a Slave on Reboot?

In a simple MySQL replication Master-Slave configuration I have a problem where Master tries to connect to itself as a slave on reboot. So when I restart MySQL on Master, I see errors related to the...

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Is it possible to create a script for replication that can add all articles...

Hi I'm currently trying to write a script that will allow me to fully create a replication publication without having to individually add each article. I'm looking for something that can be ran and...

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"Oneway" Replication from Oracle DB to TimesTen

currently I'm really stuck into a problem and I not able to finde a nice way to realize that. I need a suggestion to replicate from oracle db (some tables) to a TimesTen. A connection is only possible...

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Using non-replicated read/write databases on a MySQL slave server

I have a MySQL slave server that has two databases being replicated from a master. What I'd like to do is add a third database that I will exclude from replication and use as a read/write database....

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Postgresql Chained Slaves and Slave Promotion

So I have a setup like Master -> Slave1 -> Slave2. Slave1 replicates from Master and Slave2 replicates from Slave1. If I promote Slave1 to master is it possible for Slave2 to continue replicating...

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Mysql Orchestrator build.sh in Mac OSX shows "cannot use...

I am trying to build Mysql Orchestrator binaries for Mac OSX Yosemite. After executing the build.sh script it shows the error.... Building via go version go1.6.2 darwin/amd64...

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2 Identical Servers/SQL Servers Processing Transactions w/ Merge Replication

Edited entire question for clarity. Scenario: Have 2 identical SQL Servers on separate servers, processing transactions from different applications simultaneously while being completely synchronized...

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SOLR replication: different behavior for network cut off vs. machine restart

We try to set up a SOLR Cloud environment using 1 shard with 2 replicas (1 leader). The replicas are managed by 3 zookeeper instances. The setup seems fine when we do the normal work. The data is being...

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MySql Replication fails in slave when events started running and inserting...

I have a master and slave DB in mysql. We have more than 1m orders per month, when we tried to pull the data using mysql views from master it slows down the application. So we had created a slave and...

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Issue for connecting to Replica set's secondaries in MongoDB

I'm developing a restful server with MongoDB and an official driver for node.js. I found that Read Preference "nearest" mode calculates the nearest node every operation and it's slower than a direct...

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Mongodb replication changes index

Hi I'm working in big data application, which uses a mongodb as primary and 9 secondaries. We have noticed that in the past weeks a few hosts has been out of sync, and after seeing several log messages...

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Vague replication error code 2005

2015-04-07 13:49:53 23758 [ERROR] Slave I/O: error connecting to master 'replication'@master-host:3306' - retry-time: 60 retries: 1, Error_code: 2005 This was after attempting to do a change master to...

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