Apparently when using the Octopus gem to do Postgres replication everything should be plug and play. However I can't seem to find what I'm doing wrong.
This is my config/shards.yml
- development
replicated: true
adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
database: slaveapp_development
username: pguser
password: pgpass
The AR model Provider
(I create the exact same tables in each app via Rake tasks) I'd like to sync/replicate to my slave:
class Provider < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :products
I boot both apps via Rails server and enter Masterapp's console and from there:
> Provider.using(:slave1).create({provider_params...})
#=> works! I get a new record in slave1's DB.
> Provider.using(:master).create({provider_params...})
#=> works partly. Creates record only in master's DB.
The problem is that when calling Provider.using(:master)...
I'm expecting:
1 - Create record at master's DB.
2 - Replicate same record at slave1's DB. <--- This is NOT happening.