Having in mind that I can add computed columns to the subscription tables according to this link:
SQL Server : Transactional Replication Computed Column
That I am already doing, and also adding indexes to replicated tables (in the subscriber server)
While I am doing it, I have to face too many locks and blocks to/from the replication as you can see on the picture below:
this is the replication command I was blocking while creating my index:
create procedure [sp_MSupd_dbotblBGiftVoucher]
@c1 binary(24) = NULL,
@c2 smallint = NULL,
@c3 varchar(20) = NULL,
@c4 int = NULL,
@c5 varchar(20) = NULL,
@c6 int = NULL,
@c7 bit = NULL,
@c8 char(1) = NULL,
@pkc1 binary(24) = NULL,
@bitmap binary(1)
if (substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 1 = 1)
update [dbo].[tblBGiftVoucher] set
[strVoucherNumber] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 1 when 1 then @c1 else [strVoucherNumber] end,
[sintMarketID] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 2 when 2 then @c2 else [sintMarketID] end,
[strIssuedBxOrderNo] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 4 when 4 then @c3 else [strIssuedBxOrderNo] end,
[lngIssuedUserID] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 8 when 8 then @c4 else [lngIssuedUserID] end,
[strReedemedBxOrderNo] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 16 when 16 then @c5 else [strReedemedBxOrderNo] end,
[lngRedeemedUserID] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 32 when 32 then @c6 else [lngRedeemedUserID] end,
[blnVoid] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 64 when 64 then @c7 else [blnVoid] end,
[strCheckDigit] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 128 when 128 then @c8 else [strCheckDigit] end
where [strVoucherNumber] = @pkc1
if @@rowcount = 0
if @@microsoftversion>0x07320000
exec sp_MSreplraiserror 20598
update [dbo].[tblBGiftVoucher] set
[sintMarketID] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 2 when 2 then @c2 else [sintMarketID] end,
[strIssuedBxOrderNo] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 4 when 4 then @c3 else [strIssuedBxOrderNo] end,
[lngIssuedUserID] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 8 when 8 then @c4 else [lngIssuedUserID] end,
[strReedemedBxOrderNo] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 16 when 16 then @c5 else [strReedemedBxOrderNo] end,
[lngRedeemedUserID] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 32 when 32 then @c6 else [lngRedeemedUserID] end,
[blnVoid] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 64 when 64 then @c7 else [blnVoid] end,
[strCheckDigit] = case substring(@bitmap,1,1) & 128 when 128 then @c8 else [strCheckDigit] end
where [strVoucherNumber] = @pkc1
if @@rowcount = 0
if @@microsoftversion>0x07320000
exec sp_MSreplraiserror 20598
there are too many servers, and I am not sure of which server is the publisher, where is the distributor database, and if there is a distributor server, which one is it?
Is there a way I can find the name of the publisher and distributor (server and database), from the subscriber?
some information is here: How to restart the distributor agent of transactional replication?
but I am still struggling to pause the replication for at least one article, but I could pause it for the whole publication.
What I want to achieve is to pause the replication for my current subscription (the database where I am on)...