I have a tree of objects which needs to be kept in sync between 2 processes. The objects can be added/modified/deleted in either process and the data needs to be replicated in the other process consistently.
It's enough if the trees are loosely consistent as long as the conflict resolution is deterministic.
I have studied how Active Directory does this via Multi-master replication and how dropbox solves this problem. I prefer the AD approach because that seems to be more efficient for my problem.
I have also read about Operational Transformation and Optimistic Concurrency Control.
I have 2 questions.
Do you know of any other concepts that I can google for that can help me solve this problem?
Do you know of any libraries which solve this problem that I can study and use? I would really prefer not to reinvent the wheel and run into problems that were solved 20 years ago.
I feel that this is a common problem that a lot of people must have solved before me. But my google-fu is failing me.