Newbie to redis here so please bear with me. I am looking for a method to have dual datacenter in active-active configuration. My need here is that:
- if a datacenter goes down the other datacenter should not need any intervention to carry on working
- Networking issues, if they occur, should not prevent one or the other datacenter to fail on set/get redis calls.
- Restarting failed datacenter should have a means mirror the working redis' data back before going active
I have been reading up on replication abilities of redis, what I understand is there is
- master-slave(s) replication
- A cluster can have masters that are sharded But what I haven't seen is a cluster replicating to another cluster.
- Is there a architecture design where all redis in one dc replicate with the other? (Looks like couchbase appears to have this)
- I do see a keyspace notifier which can be used in a pub/sub, what i want to know is whether I can use it to pub/sub redis to redis from one dc to the other to act as replication.