I'm trying to configure authentication on Cassandra. It seems like because of replication strategy that is used for system_auth, it can't replicate user credentials to all the nodes in cluster, so I end up getting Incorrect credentials on one node, and getting successful connection on another.
This is related question. The guy there says you have to make sure credentials are always on all nodes.
How to do it? The option that is offered there says you have to alter keyspace to put replication factor equal to amount of nodes in cluster, then run repair on each node. That's whole tons of work to be done if you want your cassandra to be dynamically scalable. If I add 1 node today, 1 node another day, alter keyspace replication and then keep restarting nodes manually that will end up some kind of chaos.
Hour of googling actually leaded to slightly mentioned EverywhereStrategy, but I don't see anywhere in docs it mentioned as available. How do people configure APIs to work with Cassandra authentication then, if you can't be sure that your user actually present on node, that you're specifying as contact point?
Obviously, talking about true scale, when you can change the size of cluster without doing restarts of each node.