Problem: After changing the 'data_directory' location in PSQL 9.4 (Windows Server 2012 R2) an error is thrown to the user when: (a) trying to connect to the PSQL server using PgAdmin or (b) when trying to list the tablespaces \db
using the SQL Shell. In both cases the error is the following:
ERROR: could not read symbolic link "pg_tblspc/53605151": Invalid Argument.
Although the error message persists even after restarting the PSQL server it does not seem to affect the users' ability to ETL using the database.
Background: I followed the instructions suggested at the following link to change the 'data_directory'.
Actions taken: I tried to remove the symbolic link using the following command using my system administrator account.:
rmdir ...\pg_tblspc\53605151
After the symlink is removed the error thrown changes slightly to the following:
ERROR: could not read symbolic link "pg_tblspc/53605151": No such file or directory
Any insights would be more than welcome on how to fix this.