I have a pair of Debian 7 servers with MySQL 5.6.23. The slave server is a clone of the master (but the uuid has been regenerated on the slave).
For some reason, whenever MySQL is restarted on the Master via "service mysql restart
," the Slave will continue reading the Master_Log_File and Read_Master_Log_Pos, but won't process the Relay_Master_Log_File.
Slave I/O and Slave SQL are both running, but the Seconds_Behind_Master continue to increment.
The Slave_SQL_Running_State says "Waiting for Slave Worker to release partition
Obviously, I've tried to stop and start the slave, restart the MySQL service on the slave and master, and restart the slave and master servers.
To fix the issue, I have to blank and recreate the slave. I do this via a script I've made to dump the master file and position, use mysqldump to pull the database onto the slave, and then start slaving from the recorded master file and position. The mysqldump flags are --skip-lock-tables --flush-logs --hex-blob --master-data=2 --single-transaction --comments --routines
Am I missing something? Any help is greatly appreciated.