I am using Bucardo-5.3.1 and trying to replicate my on premise postgreSQL database. I have created a master-master replication with RDS postgreSQL. I am able to successfully replicate if the RDS db is empty and pg_dump is done, the problem arises when I want to do a delta replication.
When I try to pg_dump -U $PGSUPERUSER -h $PGHOST --data-only -N bucardo $PGDATABASE | PGOPTIONS='-c session_replication_role=replica' psql -U $BUCARDOUSER -h $PGHOST2 -d $PGDATABASE
I am getting the below error because session replication is denied by RDS
psql: FATAL: permission denied to set parameter "session_replication_role"
I also tried using below command as well
bucardo update sync mysync1 onetimecopy=2
I tried using pg_restore also but it still gives ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint