In Transactional replication the order of the commands execution in Subscriber is not same as it is in Publisher.
I have a table Which have foreign key reference to its own table column.
Alter Table [dbo].[test1] With Check Add CONSTRAINT [FK_TEST_PARENTTESTID] FOREIGN KEY([ParenttestID])
REFRENCES [dbo].[test]([ID])
So in publisher first base row was inserted and then other rows referenced to that base rows were inserted.
But in subscriber the order was not same as in publisher. So I got following error in replication
'insert statement conflicted with the foreign key same table constraint'
I solved this by adding 'Not For Replication' for the constraint. But i have many tables which have Foreign key same table constraint. I am afraid I might have error related to this in future on replication.
Can some one help me on this??