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empty Galera cluster with mysqldump backup - what does "WSREP: Provider paused at" and "WSREP: Provider resumed" mean?


We operate an empty Galera cluster (without customers):

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT table_schema                                        "DB Name",
    ->    Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB"
    -> FROM   information_schema.tables
    -> GROUP  BY table_schema;
| DB Name            | DB Size in MB |
| information_schema |           0.1 |
| mysql              |           0.6 |
| performance_schema |           0.0 |
3 rows in set (0.03 sec)

WSREP is in a good state

MariaDB [(none)]> show global status like '%wsrep%';
| Variable_name                | Value                                              |
| wsrep_local_state_uuid       | cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7               |
| wsrep_protocol_version       | 5                                                  |
| wsrep_last_committed         | 393766                                             |
| wsrep_replicated             | 279933                                             |
| wsrep_replicated_bytes       | 74492165                                           |
| wsrep_repl_keys              | 653048                                             |
| wsrep_repl_keys_bytes        | 11662843                                           |
| wsrep_repl_data_bytes        | 44913610                                           |
| wsrep_repl_other_bytes       | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_received               | 63367                                              |
| wsrep_received_bytes         | 16198736                                           |
| wsrep_local_commits          | 93279                                              |
| wsrep_local_cert_failures    | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_local_replays          | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_local_send_queue       | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_local_send_queue_avg   | 0.000000                                           |
| wsrep_local_recv_queue       | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg   | 0.001010                                           |
| wsrep_local_cached_downto    | 151395                                             |
| wsrep_flow_control_paused_ns | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_flow_control_paused    | 0.000000                                           |
| wsrep_flow_control_sent      | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_flow_control_recv      | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_cert_deps_distance     | 1.000000                                           |
| wsrep_apply_oooe             | 0.000026                                           |
| wsrep_apply_oool             | 0.000000                                           |
| wsrep_apply_window           | 1.000026                                           |
| wsrep_commit_oooe            | 0.000000                                           |
| wsrep_commit_oool            | 0.000000                                           |
| wsrep_commit_window          | 1.000000                                           |
| wsrep_local_state            | 4                                                  |
| wsrep_local_state_comment    | Synced                                             |
| wsrep_cert_index_size        | 3                                                  |
| wsrep_causal_reads           | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_cert_interval          | 0.000026                                           |
| wsrep_incoming_addresses     | $EDITED |
| wsrep_cluster_conf_id        | 36                                                 |
| wsrep_cluster_size           | 3                                                  |
| wsrep_cluster_state_uuid     | cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7               |
| wsrep_cluster_status         | Primary                                            |
| wsrep_connected              | ON                                                 |
| wsrep_local_bf_aborts        | 0                                                  |
| wsrep_local_index            | 2                                                  |
| wsrep_provider_name          | Galera                                             |
| wsrep_provider_vendor        | Codership Oy <info@codership.com>                  |
| wsrep_provider_version       | 3.5(rXXXX)                                         |
| wsrep_ready                  | ON                                                 |
| wsrep_thread_count           | 2                                                  |
48 rows in set (0.01 sec)

This the MariaDB logs:

160709  3:23:31 [Note] WSREP: REPL Protocols: 5 (3, 1)
160709  3:23:31 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.
160709  3:23:31 [Note] WSREP: Assign initial position for certification: 325800, protocol version: 3
160709  3:23:31 [Note] WSREP: Service thread queue flushed.
160709  3:23:31 [Warning] WSREP: Releasing seqno 325800 before 325801 was assigned.
160709  3:23:31 [Note] WSREP: Synchronized with group, ready for connections
160709  3:23:31 [Note] WSREP: wsrep_notify_cmd is not defined, skipping notification.
160709  3:23:32 [Note] WSREP: (d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' pointing to uuid d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0 is blacklisted, skipping
160709  3:23:32 [Note] WSREP: (d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' pointing to uuid d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0 is blacklisted, skipping
160709  3:23:32 [Note] WSREP: (d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0, 'tcp://') address 'tcp://' pointing to uuid d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0 is blacklisted, skipping
160709  3:23:32 [Note] WSREP: (d65f5c76-e12a-11e5-946f-fe15b3f98aa0, 'tcp://') turning message relay requesting off
160709 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:328916 (278193)
160709 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 278193
160709 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160710  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:333206 (282518)
160710  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 282518
160710  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160710 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:337496 (286843)
160710 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 286843
160710 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160711  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:341786 (291168)
160711  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 291168
160711  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160711 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:346076 (295493)
160711 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 295493
160711 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160712  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:350366 (299818)
160712  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 299818
160712  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160712 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:354656 (304144)
160712 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 304144
160712 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160713  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:358946 (308469)
160713  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 308469
160713  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160713 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:363236 (312794)
160713 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 312794
160713 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160714  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:367526 (317119)
160714  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 317119
160714  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160714 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:371816 (321444)
160714 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 321444
160714 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160715  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:374482 (324132)
160715  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 324132
160715  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160715 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:375202 (324859)
160715 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 324859
160715 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160716  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:375922 (325585)
160716  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 325585
160716  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160716 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:376639 (326309)
160716 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 326309
160716 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160717  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:377359 (327036)
160717  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 327036
160717  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160717 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:378079 (327762)
160717 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 327762

160717 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160718  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:378799 (328489)
160718  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 328489
160718  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160718 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:379516 (329213)
160718 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 329213
160718 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160719  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:380236 (329940)
160719  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 329940
160719  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160719 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:380956 (330666)
160719 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 330666
160719 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160720  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:381673 (331390)
160720  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 331390
160720  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160720 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:382393 (332117)
160720 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 332117
160720 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160721  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:383113 (332843)
160721  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 332843
160721  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160721 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:383833 (333570)
160721 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 333570
160721 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160722  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:384550 (334294)
160722  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 334294
160722  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160722 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:385270 (335020)
160722 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 335020
160722 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160723  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:385990 (335747)
160723  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 335747
160723  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160723 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:386707 (336471)
160723 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 336471
160723 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160724  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:387427 (337198)
160724  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 337198
160724  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160724 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:388147 (337924)
160724 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 337924
160724 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160725  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:388864 (338648)
160725  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 338648
160725  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160725 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:389584 (339375)
160725 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 339375
160725 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160726  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:390304 (340101)
160726  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 340101
160726  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160726 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:391024 (340828)
160726 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 340828
160726 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160727  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:391741 (341552)
160727  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 341552
160727  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160727 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:392461 (342279)
160727 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 342279
160727 12:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.
160728  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider paused at cd8b0a04-baab-11e5-8828-c67d1ead57b7:393181 (343005)
160728  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: resuming provider at 343005
160728  0:05:01 [Note] WSREP: Provider resumed.

What does WSREP: Provider paused at $GUID and WSREP: Provider resumed exactly mean? Do I need to further investigate?

We use Redhat provided 5.5.42-MariaDB-wsrep

From timestamps it seems backup related:

# crontab -l
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at 2016-01-14 09:39:42 +0100 by puppet.
# HEADER: While it can still be managed manually, it is definitely not recommended.
# HEADER: Note particularly that the comments starting with 'Puppet Name' should
# HEADER: not be deleted, as doing so could cause duplicate cron jobs.
# Puppet Name: mysql-backup
5 */12 * * * /usr/local/sbin/mysqlbackup.sh

We use mysqldump.

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