Channel: StackExchange Replication Questions
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Can I use replication for this case?


I support a datamart… and I was instructed to consume tables from a DW that is in another datacentre that we have access through linked server…

I suggested using replication cause it’s the easiest for me, but I was not authorized; and now I find myself doing this process every time we need to consume a new table:

1- Copying the entire table from DW to our DM through the ‘sql server wizard’. 2- Recreating in my datamart the indexes that the table had in the DW. 3 - I create an SP like this… for example:

 SELECT @SystemModStamp = MAX(SystemModStamp)
 FROM [dbo].[Lead]

 SELECT * INTO #temp   
 FROM [LinkedServer_DW].[SF].[dbo].[Lead]
WHERE SystemModStamp >= @SystemModStamp

 DELETE FROM [dbo].[Lead]         
 FROM [dbo].[Lead] AS L
INNER JOIN #temp AS t       
     ON L.Lead_id= t.Lead_id;       

INSERT INTO [dbo].[lead]


4-Put the previous SP on a job that will run every 6 hours.

The problem I see is that when it started it was just a few tables they requested. Now I am asked to add one new table every other day, and now I have around 80 tables on my datamart through this process.

Questions: -is this approach ok/professional? -to complete all the steps it takes me a few hours, because every step itself takes time, and I am extra cautious with every action I do. -Some tables do not have systemmodstamp or updatedate; so I am doing full transfers (drop, and insert all of it again).

Anyway, they are not huge tables, the largest one has 50 million records… and most of them are less than 100,000 records…

Is there any reason not to use Replication in this case?

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